Hey guys! It's been a bit since I've posted some fresh content! Here is a piece I had written and recorded a while back that I am only now getting around to sharing with you, hope you enjoy!
Have you ever criticized someone because they made choices that were different from your own? Judged them for feeding their kids too much candy, too much screen time, not enough manners...it's so easy to dish out quick judgements but step in someone else's shoes for a day and you might just change your tune. This one is for all my mamas out there, it's called "Momshaming".
As the old saying goes, it takes a village, but nowadays, moms are expected to do it all and for the most part, alone. But mamas, remember, there's no better tribe than a mom tribe. Let's remember to support each other and lift each other up cuz no matter how much you feel like you're failing as a parent, trust me when I say, you are doing amazing and to your kid, you are amazing just as is.