今天我们将主要说一下传说中的所谓天才儿童夏令营。Talented or Gifted Youth. 中文习惯上翻译成天才儿童,其实Talented英文只是说有才能,GIfted 倒是说上天厚爱,有天赋,但是哪里有那么多天才Genius呢。不过,门槛是有的。进入这样的夏令营必须通过一些考试,根据不同年纪,有些是美国标准考试比如SAT, ACT,PSAT,或者IQ考试考量语言逻辑和空间想像力,有些甚至会有专门的老师来进行一对一的智商测试衡量。一般这种夏令营常常依托大学校园,聘请有经验的教师,组织上会更侧重于学业兴趣。这种夏令营在美国有不少,今天,我们主要介绍一下Lindsay和她的姐姐都去过的由约翰霍普金斯大学(Johns Hopkins)主办的CTY(center for talented youth) 夏令营。
晴川:Can you tell us which subject did you choose in CTY?
Lindsay: I took a writing course.
晴川:why did you pick this one?
Lindsay: Because I like writing. In normal school days, I don’t think I was chal-lenged enough.(没有足够的挑战)
晴川: Were there any other choice at CTY?
Lindsay: there were So many… my sister went to Philosophy (哲学) last year, she was also in Suspension(悬念) and Mystery (神秘)Writing once. There were Psychology(心理学), Robotics(机器人), Maths and Computer Science(数学与计算机科学), Law and Politics(法律与政治), Ec-onomics(经济学), I cannot outline列出 all courses, too long to say. If I have time, I might choose all of them except for 除掉maths.
Qingchuan: 这么多选择,太幸福了!How did you spend your time there?
Lindsay: This is a sleepaway 离家住宿camp. I shared a room with another girl in a college dorm学生宿舍. We wake up at about 7 am, have breakfast, have courses, eat lunch at cafeteria, then have afternoon classes followed with afternoon activities such as board games棋盘游戏, arts and crafts艺术与手工. After everything is done, we have dinner and enjoy evening as a group. No need to work on courses at night. All work is done at daytime.
Qingchuan:Tell us more about the fun activities.
Lindsay: You can swim, make friendship bracelets友谊手链,女孩子里流行的手工制作, read, paint, play sports and sometimes we had a dance.
Lindsay: We had a lot of free time and did our laundry洗衣服. We had water gun fights玩水枪战, and had a talent show才艺表演. We would also have a m-ovie night电影之夜.
Qingchuan: 宿舍里有大人吗?
Lindsay:Yes,there were adults 成年人there to make sure we were safe.
Qingchuan: 你喜欢CTY,能说说最喜欢的是什么?
Lindsay: I liked CTY because there was a lot of freedom. It was enjoyable to make new friends from different places. It was easy to forget about any worries at home when you were learning interesting things and having fun with different people.