Podcast popularity is growing with proven research in 2019. This episode is about the power of podcasting with great details for producers about audience.
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Yes, I listen every day 100%, 1 vote 1 vote 100% 1 vote - 100% of all votesYes, a couple per week 0%, 0 votes 0 votes 0 votes - 0% of all votesNo, but I'm considering it 0%, 0 votes 0 votes 0 votes - 0% of all votesNo, have no interest or time 0%, 0 votes 0 votes 0 votes - 0% of all votesTotal Votes: 1 April 26, 2019 Polls Archive × You or your IP had already vote. Vote Yes, I listen every day Yes, a couple per week No, but I'm considering it No, have no interest or time × You or your IP had already vote. Results
I wanted milestone #50 to be focused. It’s a podcast episode about podcasting! I can’t be more focused.
Podcasting is Online Journalism
It’s the execution journalism has used for years. Telling stories is journalism. Anyone can tell a story, and therefore, anyone can be a journalist. You are a journalist – an independent journalist – just by telling a story to someone else.
You don’t have to be a paid professional to be a journalist. The late Cole Campbell, who was the Editor of the St. Louis Post Dispatch in the mid-1990’s championed “Citizen Journalism” resulting in fierce opposition by his staff. Deep down, his critics may have sensed competition from ordinary people like you reading this episode description.
Ordinary citizens like you are producing podcasts. Me? I’m a former mainstreamer. I wasn’t part of the opposition to citizen journalism. Therefore, I was cast as a traitor by some in mainstream journalism. So consider me on your side if you’ve just a regular Joe or Jane. I’m just like you.
The Power of Podcasting
And that’s what makes online journalism great. Below is Episode 23 with Jeff Richgels, the publisher of The 11th Frame, a blog about bowling. It’s one of the more successful blogs in the United States. It’s not free. You have to pay to read it. He has 1,500 loyal followers and still growing. Anyone, including me, can learn from Jeff how to be successful online.
That’s what we’ll be doing going forward. Sharing the stories of stories of storytelling. We want to inspire you, to either read, watch, or listen more to stories, or possibly, to inspire you to produce them in your own manner online, whether, by blog or podcasting.
Podcasting Survey by Edison Research
I ask that you set aside time to listen to the entire episode. It’s well worth it for podcast listeners and producers. Share it with your friends. Listen to our episode below with Jeff Richgels about his blog, especially if you are considering publishing one of your own.
Please listen for my special message after the Edison Research presentation about the future of my podcasts.
Since you are here and like listening to audio, I’ve got two free books available for you just by clicking here.
Scott Simon, Simon Says
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Related article, The Podcast Consumer, Edison Research, April 6, 2019
Castos Podcast Hosting