Sarah and I sit down this week to read and react to your follower submitted stories about surviving TDYS, deployments, and DETS. As military spouses, we all know that when your loved one is gone, that is when people or things either get trashed, smashed, or just plain crash- whether that's your AC unit combusting in the middle of the summer, your kid breaking leg, or maybe your hot water heater exploding all over your brand new hardwood floors. Could also just be your sanity! Either way, things just get weird. So we asked ya'll to share with us your most cringiest, weirdest, funny-even-though-at-the-time-not-so-funny stories, and as always, the RHFP fam did not disappoint. We aren't saying misery loves company, but I think we can all relate and commiserate with a few of these. Plus, they are had us rolling! So sit back, pour yourself a coffee or cocktail (time of day isn't important, we aren't judging) and buckle up.