Solo Agent Richie Hanna shares: how he averages 4 closings per month (and had 9 closings in one month) by building his practice by cold calling for seller listings then transitioned his focus to repeat and referral from his past clients and sphere of influence (PCSOI). Per cold calling for listings, Richie shares his script, success ratios, lead source, technology, and how he conquered his call reluctance. Per repeat and referral from his PCSOI, Richie talks about his annual marketing plan, pop-bys, gifts, note cards, his first event, and how he used "proof of success" Facebook posts to convince his SOI that he is a real estate expert and hire him. It worked. 70% of his business is now repeat and referral. Richie is with Re/Max in Gainesville Virginia and sold 45 homes last year worth 28 million and earned 550 thousand in GCI.