Hasheem Francis is a self-made entrepreneur, and he has learned how to create habits that work for him. He stresses the importance of creating and maintaining good habits, as it might be easier than breaking bad ones. The key to success? Discipline!
My guest is Hasheem Francis.
I interview a lot of people and I have to say that Hasheem Francis is one of the most interesting. He shares about how it takes more than just getting out of a bad situation in order to be successful, you need self-discipline, mental toughness and finding ways to protect your mental space from negative influences.
You also need learn about yourself what makes you happy without letting other things control your life--that’s where habits come into play! Creating good habits are key, because if we don't do this then our old bad ones will continue on.
Discipline really pays off so focus on doing healthy activities not destructive behaviors while being mindful during difficult times too.
How do you protect yourself from negative people?
One of the best ways to deal with toxic people is to not have them around you. If they’re in your life, limit your time with them and spend more time with positive people.
To avoid negative influences surround yourself with positive ones, as much as possible. Be intentional and surround yourself by reading books on effective self-improvement, listening to positive podcasts or watching videos that inspire you.
Take care of yourself first.
People can influence you for better or worse, so take care of yourself first, that’s what Hasheem says over and over in this exceptional interview.
Some people become easily influenced by other people’s negative thoughts and ideas, which could lead them down the wrong path in life. If someone is not taking good care of themselves mentally and physically it will be hard for them to stay positive about anything in life. Simply because they are constantly letting negativity into their mind through others around them, who may have a different perspective on things than what that person believes in at the time.
In order to protect your mental health you must learn how to keep a positive mindset even when everyone else around you seems negative towards certain situations or circumstances that may arise in your life.
Hasheem’s best advice for the next generation of entrepreneurs is to spend a lot less time looking down onto the electronic devices and instead spend more time looking up.
Go out and enjoy your life.
Connect with Hasheem at:
Music in this episode is used with permission:
Life Is Beautiful by MusicLFiles
Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/7620-life-is-beautiful
License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license