The New Jersey Department of Children and Families (DCF) is the state’s first Cabinet-level agency focused exclusively on serving and supporting at-risk children and families. Today, Heidi welcomes Christine Beyer, Commissioner of the NJ DCF, to the podcast. Together with its partners, the NJ DCF works to increase kinship placements, strengthen family connections, prevent maltreatment, and promote family stability. They strive to integrate consumer voices in every program, foster accountability, maximize federal support, provide an inclusive system of care for youth, and prioritize both staff safety and professional satisfaction. Join the conversation as Christine shares insights into her role as Commissioner, explains the core commitment driving their work, and highlights the importance of centering the voices of parents and individuals with lived experiences. They discuss the keys to effective programs at the NJ DCF, what sets this department apart from others across the country, and much more. Christine also emphasizes that young people, though full of opinions, should be encouraged and empowered to lead in finding solutions to issues that affect them. This episode is filled with valuable insights you won’t want to miss!
Key Points From This Episode:
- An introduction to our guest on today’s episode.
- What it means to be the Department of Children and Families Commissioner.
- She explains what the Children’s System of Care is.
- The core commitment that guides everything Christine does.
- She highlights two important factors in their system.
- How they’ve cultivated their culture in the Children’s System of Care.
- Christine shares how they strive to put the voice of parents and those with lived experience at the front and center.
- Busting the stigma of mental health in this country.
- Why she created the Office of Family Voice.
- The key to making these systems and programs succeed.
- Christine breaks down the role the Office of Family Voice plays in various functions.
- Building the best systems for our young people.
- What sets the NJ Department of Children and Families apart from others.
- Navigating the Medicaid relationship and how it’s working to support what they are accomplishing.
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
Christine Beyer on LinkedIn
Meet the Commissioner: Christine Beyer
Department of Children and Families
The Office of Family Voice (NJ Department of Children and Families)
The Office of Family Voice (PowerPoint)
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Heidi Baskfield