Eat this! no, eat that! With so much confusion about what foods we should be eating, I wanted to release a 2 part series on nutrition that focuses on the basics of nutrition. We are going back to school for nutrition re-education! In this episode, In this episode, I talk about the importance of managing blood sugar, supplements I use that have helped me, and the mindset needed to accompany you on your lifelong health journey.
Stabilizing blood sugar levels give increased energy, diminished cravings, more stable hormones, improved moods, improved body composition, better muscle to fat ratios, improved quality of sleep, better skin health, reduced feelings of stress and improved feeling of well-being and vitality. THINGS THAT RAISE OR DROP BLOOD SUGAR ARE waiting too long to eat, starving yourself, chronic stress, over exercising ,too much processed foods, eating too big of a meal, wrong ratio of macros , and eating too fast.
Examine your current limiting beliefs around health. Think about all the pain these disempowering beliefs continue to give you and will give you in the future. How will you look 5-10-20 years from now if you continue to hold these beliefs. When you are ready to leverage the pain, create a more empowering belief. A belief like the past does not equal the future will go great lengths in serving you on your health journey.
Change your language habits. Don't use the word diet and instead assume a new identity. "This is how I eat now" instead of "I am on ____ diet". Utilize the phrase 'I don't" instead of "I can't".
Remember the 80/20 principle. 80 percent of what you eat should be clean foods, the rest whatever you choose. This principle can be applied to many stretches of time- 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 1 year, 1 lifetime! This gives you the freedom to live and the freedom to easily get back on track when you fall off the wagon.