( Español abajo)
Most people’s lives only grow in one area. They sacrifice family for professional success, or health for money, or they sacrifice personal success for the happiness of the family. But ultimately it becomes an unbalanced life. The key of excellence is to have a developed mind which you can apply to every aspect of your life in order to grow in all areas simultaneously, like a tree. Life is organic.
Sri Swami Purohit’s courses are designed to guide you through a process of personal growth, helping you to navigate and explore all aspects of your physical, emotional and mental wellbeing. The ultimate aim is to create a state of inner harmony and balance which remains stable, keeping you calm, grounded and positive regardless of what is going on around you.
The uniqueness of Swamiji's teachings is the transmission of spiritual energy. First he awakens our soul because only after this our development can begin. The foundation and the goal of this course is to connect with our soul. Our soul heals our mind, our body and our heart. Our soul creates harmony in our being and with our surrounding, helping us to flow with life. Everything is inside us, all the peace, all the love, all the joy and all the wisdom. Everything is in our soul. But nothing can happen if our soul is not awakened. This is the first and most important role of the Spiritual Master. After this, with the transmission of energy, Sri Swami Purohit helps us to experience, every time, a higher level of consciousness and with the practise we make this state a permanent feature of our system.
This course is not about getting new information or about learning difficult yoga postures. This is an experiential course where we work to develop ourselves completely at all levels with the purpose of having a great fulfilling life using the most simple yet most effective physical, mental and spiritual tools.
Sri Swami Purohit’s online courses include yoga exercises, breathing techniques, meditation and mantra as well as his teachings. The physical exercises are suitable for all, regardless of age, health or experience.
You will have direct and personalised support from Sri Swami Purohit and his team to help you with any queries or questions you may have while completing a course.
Each monthly course contains sessions of 1 and a half hour, 9 hours in total of pre-recorded video content and a downloadable PDF with a daily practice to do at home.
Although we recommend following the course each month in order to get maximum benefit, there is no requirement to commit to following months or pay in advance. Each session is available to purchase individually, with lifetime access.
Online Holistic Yoga Courses from the month of April to September are now available.
October session coming soon!
For more information, please click on the link:
La vida de la mayoría de las personas crece solo en un área. Normalmente sacrifican la familia por conseguir éxito profesional, sacrifican su salud para ganar dinero o sacrifican su éxito personal por la felicidad de la familia. Pero al final se acaba convirtiendo en una vida desequilibrada que no te llena. La clave para tener una gran vida es tener una mente completamente desarrollada que puedas aplicar en todos los aspectos de tu vida para crecer en todas las áreas a la vez, como un árb