We had over 100,000 children in foster care before this coronavirus business sent so many to shelter in place, lose their jobs, and live with the fears and anxieties of this time. Schools are closed, and so it’s harder for teachers to observe things. You’ve heard all this, I trust. So how and why should it be more than another depressing news story for all of us in some way? Sharen Ford has been working in child welfare for decades and currently runs the foster-care and adoption programs at Focus on the Family. She talks about some of what it takes to be a foster parent, and the other roles we can play in helping children, especially older children, who are the hardest to place. This is National Foster Care Month, and it’s also a time when there’s a great danger that we are being culturally conditioned to be suspicious of other people. Let’s fight against that. Take a listen to my conversation with Ford, a little of a download of her wisdom. I’m always better for talking with her, I hope you feel similarly.