Welcome to the U.S.S. Columbia! In which we follow the adventures of the bridge crew of this Intrepid-Class starship, on their historic five-year mission to chart the Gamma Quadrant. This Dungeons and Dragons based role-playing game is gamemastered by Clara Tan.
In this session, we meet:
Commander Yazakin Minori, the Orion First Officer
Lt. Cmdr T'Pel Kestra, a stoic Vulcan-Betazoid hybrid and the Chief Science Officer
Lt. Cmdr Yora Talea, the Bajoran Chief of Security; and
Lt. Kalena Mirren, the Kriosian Chief Helmsman
The Columbia is currently docked at space station Deep Space Nine, before leaving for the Gamma Quadrant. The bridge crew takes time to rest and unwind, and they meet a few familiar faces.