In this exclusive interview I sit down with Andrew Collins, author of the new book "Karahan Tepe: Civilization of the Anunnaki and the Cosmic Origins of the Serpent of Eden." This book is Andrew's two-decade long quest to understand this sister site of Göbekli Tepe. Explaining how Karahan Tepe functioned as a shamanic centre for oracular communications, Andrew shows how the site's rock-cut structures were used to connect with the Galactic bulge and stars of Scorpius in their role as, respectively, the head and active spirit of a world-encircling snake identified with the entire length of the Milky Way. He traces this serpent motif throughout history, identifying it with the biblical serpent of Eden, the Kundalini of Vedic tradition, and the black snake of the Yezidis. He shows also how the founders of Karahan Tepe were recalled in Hebrew myth and legend as the Watchers and Nephilim and in Sumerian and Babylonian mythology as the Anunnaki. These then were the true founders behind Taş Tepeler, the world’s first post ice age civilization, a subject he has championed since the writing of his seminal work “From the Ashes of Angels” in 1995, penned as the first spades were going into the ground at Göbekli Tepe.