What a treat, right before the Christmas holiday!
We think we should have it all figured out by a certain age, that everyone has made it, but you..
In fact, you are right where you need to be, where you should be! Enjoying an authentic, real life, happens only when you stop comparing yourself with others.
Look how far you've come! Celebrate yourself and celebrate your life!
The amazing Glenn Marsden, through his phenomenal book, One Man's Mission to Redefine Imperfection, teaches us that all challenges are actually blessings.
That you can only grow, when you get the lessons.
Order Glenn's amazing books and be a part of the legacy too!
Enjoy more tools to keep your fears under your control!
✔ Download •The 7-Step Guide To
Permanently Conquer Your Fears• to release stress:
✔ Master Your
Focus In Business Course:
Learn to see •fear• from a whole new perspective. 🤳
✔ And contact me when you have
questions: 📧
[email protected] Let's connect and be friends:
✔ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/roxanapopet/
✔ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/roxanapopet/
✔ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/roxana.popet
✔ Twitter: https://twitter.com/RoxanaPopet
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more episodes of Stories About Fear! 🤩✨