Title: Get to Know Serendipity A capella!
Summary: In this episode, UAlbany students
Arely Gonzalez Hernandez, Alexa Crespo, Asia Harris, and Chia Salisbury talk
about the student group, Serendipity. Serendipity is the first and only femme
identified, SMAT (soprano, mezzo, alto, tenor) acapella group on campus. They
talk about the importance of student orgs, sisterhood, and music. This is a
heartfelt episode in which Asia, the President, and Chia, the Community
Outreach Chair, share their experience with the group and their fondness of it.
The women also touch on the impact of femme leadership on campus and in society
as a whole. This episode gives a great
inside look at what Serendipity is and all it has to offer the UAlbany
community. Serendipity can be found on Instagram: @ualbanyserendipity. They are
hosting a show on campus in the Campus Center on Sunday, April 28th
at 7 pm (doors at 6:30). It’s free and open to all students and staff, they’d
love to see you there! All you have to do is RSVP via the link in their
Warning Explicit Language
0:45 What even is a capella?!
2:35 The history of Serendipity
3:15 So... Why Serendipity?
7:55 The audition process
10:06 Come one, come all, no prior music
12:25 Balancing cohesion and individuality
16:38 How does Serendipity select music?
21:50 From rehearsal to stage
25:00 Fine tuning your musical ear (pun
29:12 A trip down memory lane
34:40 Self-expression and more on solos!
40:00 Reminiscing on performances
46:23 The Serendipi-fication of music
48:40 Advice for prospective members
52:48 Shameless plug, come see Serendipity
Chia Salisbury (Guest), Arely Gonzalez
Hernandez (Co-host/editor), Asia Harris (Co-host/Marketing), Alexa Crespo
(Co-host/Editor), Carmen Serrano (Editor/Executive Producer). UAlbany Student
Stories, Season 6, Episode 2 [podcast]. Music from El Pañuelo de Pepa by Javier
Colina and Pepe Rivero. José Cruz, Executive Producer.
Special thanks to Ryan C. Clow, Digital
Scholarship Center Training Specialist, for allowing us to use the equipment
Email Carmen Serrano: [email protected]
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