Hello to our own tribe of heroes and villains! We have been very mysterious (annoying) in disappearing all year haven't we? Well we are back and we have missed you SO much, almost as much as Parvari would have missed her debacherous little villains while watching green bananas turn yellow.
Grab some popcorn, get ready to blame Candice, and wear your custom Dragonz t-shirt to Tribal Council...it's episodes 10 and 11 of Survivor's Heroes vs Villains!
About: Two new, passionate Survivor fans discuss the 20-year old reality show from the very beginning. A fun stroll down memory lane for seasoned fans or a guide for fellow newcomers through a reality classic, all through the lens of two improvisers. Hosted by Kate Hopkins & Caroline McCallum. Please leave us a review on itunes and/or reach out via email! [email protected]