코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트

수원 이어 의왕서도 사슴 나타나

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진행자: 홍유, Elise Youn


Deer incidents put Seoul's southern suburbs on alert

기사 요약: 경기 수원시에 이어 의왕시에서도 도로에 사슴이 나타나 소방당국에 포획됐다.


[1] Residents south of Seoul are watching their step as another deer incident has put local authorities on high alert, just days after attacks left two people injured.

watch one's step: 신중하게 행동하다


[2] A deer was spotted late Saturday on a roadway in Uiwang, Gyeonggi Province, prompting an immediate response from fire officials. The emergency call came in around 11:55 p.m. from a resident fearing possible vehicle collisions with the animal, local authorities said.

prompt: 촉발하다

collision: 충돌


[3] Two emergency vehicles carrying eight personnel responded to the scene. After an hourlong pursuit, authorities managed to capture the deer alive shortly after midnight. City officials took custody of the animal, and no injuries or property damage were reported.

pursuit: 좇음

custody: 보호권


[4] The incident raised concerns coming just days after a more aggressive deer wreaked havoc in nearby Suwon, Gyeonggi Province.

wreak: 초래하다

havoc: 큰 혼란


기사원문: https://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20241110050075

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