Yes, the title rhymes! But not just that, it's TRUE!!! Manchester beat poet and Born Lippy Slam Champion Jack Horner known as 'Leon The Pig Farmer' fires his AMAZING and INSPIRING story in this episode on his writing and performance journey. He continues wowing audiences with his explosive, energising and ryhthematic lines and in this episode, you will find the powerful and personal journey that's given source to his amazing energy! 💥💥⚡💥..
Life is full of challenges and in the end, it's the choices we make that matters. What do we need to make the right choices? How can art help? Leon The Pig Farmer gives away some amazing gems and tips not to be missed! Listen to 2 of his powerful poems 'Even monkeys fall from trees' and 'Beat goes on.' 🎤 More about Jack: 🔊 Jack Horner aka 'Leon the pig farmer' is a Manchester based Yorkshire beat poet. An ex-serviceman who began writing verse to help him deal with a PTSD diagnosis. In 2019, LTPF became interested in spoken word and fast firing rhythmic verse as it suited his style. Recently, he won Born Lippy's poetry slam in Newcastle. His performances also include Supportig Tim Burgess (The Charlatans), Tom Hingley, and he has also performed at the retro bar in Manchester. He also appeared as a Guest at the Ritz Manchester before Cabbage band. He is due to perform at the EMF on shine festival in todmorden, the Tramlines fringe and the Macclesfield festival. His latest book 📚 'lockdown in 2021' with proceeds to charity and he has some very exciting projects and musical collaborations to come!
What the others say! “A wry and acutely observed eye, his poetry feels personal and relatable- no longer does a poet between bands elicit a groan.“ and “ he has words of venom with an articulated quick fire style that is hard to argue against”
Even the stars Reyt good magazine:
“This guy has his own slant on the art, no prompts straight out with it. A true talent with a mind full of gems, compelling.“ and “ He is quickly becoming our generations John Cooper Clarke, Anyone after the crown forget it, this lads already stole it”
Louder than war 🔗 You can find out more about Jack on: 🔗 follow him on Instagram @leontpf71 🎉🎉