This fairy tale should be titled, "Cat and Mouse in Marriage", because what they are describing is a dysfunctional marriage. This episode is an old one pulled from the Bricklebrit vault and remastered for your disturbingly, awkward pleasure. So have a listen but don't be surprised.
Hello and welcome to the Tales of Bedlam Podcast!
We are well into our 3rd year of this grand adventure and we are genuinely excited to have you join us. We’ve come a long way from our humble Bedroom Studio beginnings, just two lonely hosts delivering the Grimm Fairy Tales in our unique way. Now we come to you from the Basement Office of Bricklebrit, LLC, delving into worldwide fairy tales and folklore with our eclectic cast of characters for your audio amusement (and hopefully some education).
Come along with Knob-Twister, Sofa-Sitter, Mr. Death Hades and Dr. Know All as they traverse the world bringing alive stories from Native America, to the frozen Russian tundra, to the Black Forest of Germany, and beyond! You can find us wherever you listen to your favorite podcast or right from our incredibly interactive
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