Welcome to Tall Tales And Epic Fails...the podcast that celebrates all things DIY or as we say DIWhynot! Because we've all been there. From being sent to fetch a box of sky hooks or a tin of striped paint to spilling coffee all over the instructions before beginning assembly, we've all had our moments.
If you're looking for tips on how to make the perfect mitre joint or discover secrets of master craftspeople, this is probably the wrong podcast for you. If, however, you're up for a laugh as three ordinary (in fact, very ordinary) handymen discuss the motivations, joys, and frustrations of DIY, you're in exactly the right place.
In this episode we meet the team who tell us why they love DIY. The shovel shares with us why the excuse area of his brain has grown enormously since starting his own DIY projects. We find out from Shane, Steve and The Shovel what they think is the best DIY tool.
We also hear an epic DIY story from our weekly Mitre 10 out of 10 for effort DIY winner who shares his incredible yarn of how he was dragged into his great mate's bigger than 'Ben-Hur' DIY boat building project....it's a classic!
And how did WD40 actually get its name? To find out this and hear a whole lot more funny stuff from the team, listen to the podcast now.
Do you have a tall tale or epic DIY fail you want to share with us for your chance to win a $100 Mitre 10 voucher? If so please connect with us via our website www.talltalesandepicfails.com
Tall Tales and Epic Tales is brought to you by our supporting partner the Might Helpful Mitre 10.