The ARTWIFE Podcast is on spring break this month, so in honor of the current Venus retrograde we're re-injecting this episode from last fall into your feeds. Here she blows!
This month, we're taking a field trip! Join us as we depart from our usual fare of writing & writers and romp instead into the realm of performance, performers, and the life of the artist. We're joined by astrologer Wonder Bright, who helps us understand how the astrological signatures in Barbra Streisand's birth chart are influencing and describing the way Barbra makes her art. Topics include the intersections and overlaps between astrology and storytelling; the merits of an artist's first instinct (a.k.a. first draft) versus their subsequent attempts (a.k.a. revisions); and the evolution(?) over time of one of our culture's recurring narrative fixations, A Star is Born.
Wonder Bright is an astrologer living in Portland, Oregon. She works with her clients to help them use whatever sliver of free will they possess to embrace their fates and step more fully into their lives. She uses traditional techniques to arrive at thoroughly modern conclusions and has written about this for The Mountain Astrologer and For more you can find her at
View Wonder's companion slide deck:
We recorded this episode before we learned of Kris Kristofferson's passing. He was incredible—so moving and effective—in the role of John Norman Howard. Rest peacefully, Mr. Kristofferson.