In this episode I talk about the Original Wound, The Hero's Journey, and living as a Multidimensional Being. THIS IS ASCENSION.
The Original Wound is something every single human being on Earth experiences- the illusion that we are separate from Source. When we are born, we forget who we are, we forget that we are One. The Original Wound is the source of our greatest Pain and Suffering, that we fill with our addictions, distractions, anger, fear, anxiety, depression. The Dark Forces on Earth perpetuate this Illusion… until we Awaken to the Truth of Who We Are, and we begin our Hero's Journey. Every single one of us has a Hero's Journey, it’s the tale as old as time. We Awaken and remember who and what we are and the power bestowed on us, and we gain the courage to face our Adversaries. There would not be a Hero without an Adversary. The Hero embarks on a quest for the truth, and fulfills the life path of returning back to source, and returning back to our Power.
As we awaken from the Great Illusion, we remember we are the Creator, we start to live as Creators ourselves and become Multidimensional, no longer bound by space, time, money, the material world. We begin to live as Multidimensional Beings, as Light Body Beings, and unlock our true power.
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