Formerly in the music industry, Scott Stratten wanted to achieve something more. He is the founder and president of Un-Marketing and is an expert in viral, social, and authentic marketing. Scott is a best selling author, who was named one of the top five social media influencers by Forbes Magazine. Speaking at events for companies like PepsiCo, Adobe, Red Cross, Hard Rock Cafe, and Cirque du Soleil, Scott still finds the time to share his insights through books, podcasts, and social media on a regular basis. Scott enjoys guiding people through the viral, social, and relationship marketing landscape.
"It’s all about positioning yourself as a trusted expert in front of your target market, so when they have the need, they choose you." - Tweet This
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"Put yourself in a position of trust." - Tweet This
"It is not a job if you love what you do." - Tweet This
"Remember we all control social media." - Tweet This
"Social media is a new age water cooler." - Tweet This
"You don't have to cold call in business." - Tweet This
"In marketing, go with what comes natural to you." - Tweet This
"Find your strengths in business by doing what you do best." - Tweet This
"Anger and frustrations will build your motivation for success." - Tweet This
"Be smart in how you market yourself, don't become a urinal cake." - Tweet This
Resources We Shared:
Brains on Fire (book and blog)
UnMarketing: Stop Marketing. Start Engaging by Scott Stratten
QR Codes Kill Kittens by Scott Stratten and Alison Kramer
Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable by Seth Godin
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Brian: Hello, hello and welcome to CatalystMLM. I'm Brian Swichkow and today on the show we have Scott Stratten. Scot is an expert in viral social and authentic marketing, named one of the top five social influencers in the world by Forbes, featured in the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, CNN,, and more. Content of his client more than 60 million views, he’s a keynote speaker for companies like Pepsi, Adobe, Red Cross. He is the president of Un-Marketing, author of three best selling books, including The Un-Marketing Book, The Flip Book of Un-Awesome; which I did not know about until today, and QR Codes Kill Kittens. And by the way, he’s freaking hilarious. Thanks so much for being on.
Scott: There’s not pressure at all on that one.
Brian: I think you’ll live up to the hype. Because, so we were just talking about a little bit before, but, came back from NMX where you did, honesty the best keynote presentation that I’ve ever seen, either been to, or seen online.
Scott: Thank you.
Brian: And it was engaging and enthralling, but also informative and insightful. So I mean, I guess the starting questions here is, with a hugely engaged audience, of hundreds of thousands of people, and not just like numbers, but, actually engaged people.
Scott: Right.
Brian: How did you get started?
Scott: Well, when it, you know, the marketing itself took place, you know, over a decade ago. I just created it because I was; I had enough of hypocritical marketing. That’s really where it came from, it was, you know, you take in a cold call, but you would have to go and cold call for your business. And you would think you were special and you were like above the rules. Like I literally stood in a buddy’s office, a sales guy, and we were talking about, whatever guys talk about, which is nothing. And, the phone rings and somebody tries to sell him something and he berates the guy and hangs up the phone and we joke about it and how ridiculous it was and then he literally says to me, I’m not making this up, he says you gotta go now dude, I gotta go make my calls for the day. And I’m like, you just ripped the guy a new one who did it to you. He’s like, no,