In today's episode we've been inspired by R U OK? Day to talk about how we check-in with our friends.
(You may notice a new show format: We're shedding the 'business' style podcast name so we can get more personal. We hope these conversations between two father, business men and friends are valuable in your own lives as a parent, business owner and human being.)
Before we hit record, we were talking about that fact that R U OK? Day is great for spreading awareness about mental health, but what if we practiced it every week?
What are you currently doing to check-in with those around you?
Dale has four different ways to check-in for you to try, plus a little gift for you too.
Here they are for your reference:
- The Emoji Check-In – Message: Can you send me 3 emojis and explain them? I will do it back.
- 1 to 10 Scale – Message: On a scale of 1-10, how are you feeling? I just want a number back. Then: How can I take that 6 and turn it into an 8?
- The PAL Message – Each morning pick one person and send the message: I’m proud of you because… I admire this about you… I love this about you…
- Handwritten Note in a Book – Buy a book, write a note in the cover and mail it to someone.
If you need help with number 4, perhaps you can't afford doing this right now, you're in luck. Simply email Dale the name of a person and why you are grateful for them and he’ll send a copy of his book book to someone on your behalf (limited to the first 5 people).
Links to things we mentioned:
- Website: RUOK Day
- Dale’s book: All Work No Play: A Surprising Guide to Feeling More Mindful, Grateful and Cheerful
- Dale’s website: Energetic Education
- Kyle’s website: Bootcamp Ideas