3 Proven Tips To Increase Your Retention For The New Dance Season
Hi everyone and thank you SO MUCH for checking out this episode of the Dance Studio Excellence Podcast!
This podcast will provide dance studio owners worldwide value and insights into how to create, grow and run a successful dance or performance studio.
On this episode, we'll be talking about the one of THE most things to focus on at your studio all year around - Retention!
Anyone who has taken our mini email course will know JUST how important retention is to my school. I've said time and time again that it was the main reason why my school was able to grow as large as it has.
So today, Cam and myself will be sharing with you 3 awesome tips for retaining your students in the new dance year.
The audio for this podcast is from a retention video that originally featured on our LEDSO group and actually has 5 tips instead of just three.
So, if you'd like to see the full video and all 5 tips, feel free to apply to join the League of Extraordinary Dance Studio Owners Group on Facebook.
Joining is free of course and you'll gain access to hundred of other like minded studio owners, exclusive or early-access content from us at Dance Studio Excellence, plus a whole lot more!
So without further ado, here are some great student retention tips to kick off the start of your dance year!
Show Notes
00:00 – Introduction
03:20 - Retention Tip #1
05:40 - Retention Tip #2
08:30 - Retention Tip #3
Retention is SO critical for the long term success of any studio! These tips are just the start, so if you haven't checked out the other great strategies or videos we've shared with the LEDSO group, then you can join for free today and get started!
If you have any questions for me, please get in touch via email [email protected] or you can follow us on any of our social media platforms!
If you’re a studio owner, make sure you request to join our Facebook Group
The League Of Extraordinary Dance Studio Owners
We have ongoing discussions and training for Dance Studio Owners just like you! So make sure you join today so you can get involved right away!
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