Any history nerd will be excited to hear about Paula Akpan’s research into Black queer women in - and beyond - the British Women’s Lib movement.
Paula is also currently working on her first book, When We Ruled: The Rise and Fall of Twelve Queens. Billed as “a book that will give voice to the women warriors and regents across the African continent often demoted to a footnote in history”, it will be published in hardback in 2024.
As well as that research, and her work as a journalist, Paula (yep, she's busy!) is the creator of Black Queer Travel Guide, to help Black queer people travel around the world more safely.
It’s amazing how much there is in our very recent past that’s at risk of being lost to the wider world without academics like Paula recording it - have a listen.
Creator & host: Alice Beverton-Palmer
Producer & editor: Laura Blake