In this first episode of Parsha, Parts, and Polyvagal, we explore Parshas Vayeshev and Yosef HaTzaddik’s journey—where even in his darkest moment, Hashem’s kindness showed up in the smallest detail.
Yosef couldn’t control being sold to the Yishmaelim, yet the pasuk tells us something striking: the caravan carried fragrant spices instead of the usual foul-smelling cargo. A seemingly small kindness, but one that teaches us how Hashem’s chesed exists, down to the smallest glimmers, even in moments of great difficulty.
From a nervous system perspective, this invites us to reflect: What happens when we learn to notice the glimmers—the small moments of safety, connection, and goodness—even in the aftermath of our own challenges?
In this episode, I share:
- A Torah insight on Hashem’s kindness in Yosef’s story
- How we can connect this to our nervous system’s need for safety and regulation
- A guided mindfulness practice to help you find glimmers in your own life
We don’t erase or deny the hard things we’ve been through. Instead, we allow space for them and notice where Hashem’s kindness—however small—showed up, helping our nervous system begin to settle and come home.
Wishing you a beautiful Shabbos.