Held by Generations: A Guided Practice in Support and Connection
In this guided practice, I invite you to settle into a space where you feel most at ease. Through breath, awareness, and connection, I guide you to soften into the present moment, allowing your body to release even just a little. As you breathe, you are reminded that Hashem is breathing life into you with each inhale, sustaining you in every moment.
Together, we tap into the deep well of support from the women who came before us—all the generations of Jewish women standing behind you, holding you, strengthening you. From this place of grounding, I lead you to gently explore what your heart is needing right now. Through a process of deep listening, we attune to the emotions, sensations, and inner wisdom that arise, offering them space, understanding, and compassion.
This practice is an invitation to slow down, to listen deeply, and to receive. Whatever unfolds, you are supported—by your own body, by the strength of those before you, and by the presence of Hashem in every breath.