In this episode, show host and brand strategist, Karl Robe, shares his new eBook Branding: Much More Than A Logo. It's Your Northstar!
If you prefer to read it, simply download the free eBook. You access easy-to-read, easy-to-implement guideposts to check your brand alignment or develop your brand from the ground up.
Why Is This Important?
Every person, product, place and issue projects a brand. This reputation—real and perceived—determines your fate. Reputation hinges on trust. Trust grows from character, consistency and credibility. In fact, reputation factors into every decision and every perception. Every minute. Every day. Every interaction reinforces or relinquishes reputation.
Personal brands get you hired, fired, followed and admired. Organizations win or lose talent and customers, receive accolades or animosity, attract regulation or ease oversight. Issues get twisted, undermined, persecuted or inspire, mobilize and thrive. Product brands get shared, rated, reviewed and followed by fans and fanatics. Services charge premium pricing or fall into the commodity, soon-to-be automated bin. Brands or reputation drives all of it, for better or worse.