Join me this week with my awesome guest Mat Koenig! ROUND 2! This is a fantastic way to close out the Live Leadership Lesson series/season!!!
Mat is such a great guy and I always absolutely love talking with him. Join us here!
Mat is known for his outside the box leadership, sales, and marketing tactics. He is the co-founder of the Rockstar Events and the Rockstar Un-Conference and is the creator of the first Spanish Classified and Spanish Website Solution.
He is genuine, insightful, and full of amazing tactics for you to achieve more, be more, and help others to do the same!
This show is great! It is a MUST watch episode for sure!
There is so much good content and conversation. It's just too much to write down here and get the message across! You have to watch!
You can connect with Mat through
Download This Episode Now!
"Live Leadership Lessons from The FRONT" are live interviews with people that are known for their performance, work ethic, character, integrity, business skill sets, and of course their leadership skills.
These are the experts to tune in and learn from!
We hope you've enjoyed the show! Each podcast is a 15-30 minute live interview.
AND please SUBSCRIBE and you can tune in to the replay on http://www.LeadTheTeam.TV