As a leader let me ask you a question: Who do you think should be denied the right to lead?… Women? People of colour? I’m sure your answer is; of course not!
It’s pretty clear that as leaders in our family’s, our communities, and our businesses we cannot in all good conscience discriminate against anyone…
Just stop for a moment and consider: Have you ever gone through an experience where you were ridiculed in some way or denied the rights that were readily available to others, purely because you didn’t fit the image of what they said you were supposed to be?…
In schools we call it bullying, and in truth that’s what it is in adult life, even if we give it other names.
The challenge is that we judge based on our own “normal”, but here’s the news…
Normal and health can be two very different things!
The reason I bring this up is because among other things, we set our laws based on what we call normal.
So my questions to you are, as a leader do you believe it is “normal” for a “same sex” (gay) couple to have a legally binding marriage? And if you don’t believe it is… then my question to you is; then is it or would it be healthy?
Think about it; we know from the research that couples who marry; live longer, are healthier, contribute more to their communities and society at large.
My guest today is Dr John Corvino a man who has spent the last 20 years examining both sides of this argument and as a result he has spoken at over 200 campuses on issues of sexuality, gender, and ethics…
He earned his PhD in philosophy from University of Texas at Austin in 1998…and he has gone on to Chair of the Philosophy Department at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan.
He is also a contributing journalist for The LA Times, The Advocate, the Independent Gay Forum, The Huffington Post, The New Republic online and The New York Times online.
I came across John Corvino when someone posted a short video by John that had gone viral called: Is Homosexuality unnatural? To date that video has had over 120,000 hits. (Here’s the video: John Corvino: Is Homosexuality unnatural?
He is also the co-author (with Maggie Gallagher) of Debating Same-Sex Marriage (June 2012)
He is also the author of the forthcoming book (January 2013), What’s Wrong with Homosexuality?
In this Hot Topic Show we will take a look at:
Why gay couples want the right to marry when straight couples are abandoning the institution of marriage in record numbers.
Why John wrote the book: “Debating Same Sex Marriage” with a co-author who is openly fighting against equal rights marriages.
We will look at the biblical argument that says; to lie with another man as you would with a woman is an abomination, (Not a word for word quote)
We’ll even take a look further at that oh so quoted piece from Leviticus and see if it suggest that “god” might be gay
Can a gay person, “pray away the gay”?
The changing face of politics and the fight for same sex marriage as reflected in the last election
This is just a small sampling of where this enlightening interview will go.
It is important that you Share This Show With All Your Friends and Contacts. Tune in on Thursday November 22nd @10:AM (Pac) 1:PM (EST)
Why? Because you are a leader!
John’s website: