Your typical "fit" individual spends 1-2 hours at the gym, 5 days a week. Their results: a lean physique with a decent amount of muscle.
What if there was a way to get the exact same results (if not better), with a significantly lower time investment? Somewhere in the realm of 10 minutes a day, 4 days a week.
In this episode, Randy shares some great resources for body recomposition; the process of building muscle and burning fat at the same time, while placing his priority on health, energy, and happiness. He takes bits and pieces from each book and compiles them into an actionable plan by the end of the episode.
The 4-Hour Body - Tim Ferris
Eat More, Lose More - Jonathan Bailor
The Ultimate Guide to Body Recomposition - Jeff Nippard
Weightlifting is A Waste of Time - Dr. John Jaquish
1. Consume generous amounts of protein mainly from lentils, beans, spinach, and vegan protein powder. (1g/lb of lean body mass)
2. Do a 10 minute, high intensity workout to failure every other day to drive muscle growth, while giving the body adequate time for repair.
3. Drink at least 96oz of lime/lemon water every day.
4. Track weight and body fat averages over a period of 14 days, then increase protein if there are no results.