#29. Introvertism, a personality or a choice?
Hey there, everyone!
Today's topic is about Introvertism, and you're going to hear a friend of mine speak!
Meet Aayush Ray Chaudhry, a fellow batch mate of mine, who will share his story and views on introvertism.
He has been very frank and honest in doing this, and it's a bold act. He will share with you all of the reasons, he 'chose' to be an introvert!
Now don't get me wrong, this isn't a podcast suggesting you to change to extrovertism, or judging the cons of introvertism. It is just a podcast with some intense in depth and insight into the various personalities of people.
The podcast further tries to eradicate barriers and prejudices we may hold for introverts, and clarify the false impressions of the extroverts.
Getting to today's podcast, we'll be talking about :
->Aayush's story
->Why it was a choice for him
->His strategies to cope with his inability to express himself completely (this is a really powerful strategy by the way!)
->Why his strategy works(!!!)
->What being an introvert essentially means
You'll also find out the benefits of being an introvert, and, and find out whether introvertism is for you! (woo hoo)
So enjoy this podcast with Aayush, and after hearing it, ponder upon the fact that we are all human, and even though we may be different, we all need to understand each other, and know what one has been through. This is the perfect place to learn that, from this bold guy!
Introverts or extroverts, we are all human, let's embrace that!
That's for today, I hope you all have a great great evening!
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Site URL: http://thegoodvibespodcast.com
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Links to find Aayush R. C:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aayushrc/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/aayushrayc
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