In this episode, Dave talks with Ryan Shaw, Lead Facilitator of Global Mission Mobilization Initiative (GMMI), a resourcing ministry equipping the Church for mission mobilization through practical tools, teaching, training, and strategies. The two discuss Ryan's new book, Rethinking Global Mobilization. Shaw shows us that the success of the local church is not about its buildings, bodies, or bucks. Rather, he helps us understand that the biblical purpose of the church begins with missions mobilization movements. If you want to see God receive the worship He deserves from every tongue, tribe, people, and nation, listen to this episode! Here are some more topics the two discussed:
1. What are some of the major areas you highlight in your book that need to be "rethought"? 2. What does a holistic, comprehensive perspective of mission mobilization look like? 3. The book identifies many types of mobilizers that go well beyond the traditional concept of a mobilizer. Explain some of these types and who they are. 4. The book seems to prioritize mobilizers raising the flag of the depth of spiritual life alongside missions education itself. Why is that piece highlighted? 5. What is your vision for mission mobilization across the global body of Christ?
Show notes: Contact Ryan:
[email protected]