Why is having representation of diverse racial groups in global missions so important? What are some of the missions mobilization factors affecting people of color today? How can we mobilize more people of color? Listen to this episode as Dave has a conversation with Sophia Wang, SEND International's Diversity Advocate & Ethnic Partnerships Coordinator. Dave & Sophia discuss the difficulty of the U.S. racial context and share ideas to help mobilizers diversify the workforce sent into His harvest fields.
Show Notes:
https://bit.ly/2FvFrtY - Evangelical Missions Academy Madrid
https://www.naamcevents.org/ - National African American Missions Conference
https://bit.ly/2ZB0ORC - Kairos Course
https://bit.ly/3mgVAnM - Perspectives
https://bit.ly/3kkdpAH - The Future of Missions: Barna Research
https://bit.ly/2FBwQpg - The Missionary Mobilization Journal
[email protected]
https://bit.ly/2ZwZdw4 - Sophia Wang SEND International
https://bit.ly/2ZzyhvR - SEND International
https://bit.ly/312LhKb - Trends & Issues in Mobilization Free Graduate Class
[email protected]