This Week's Show Notes | 12/03/2018 | Higher Ed Parthenon Episode #22
Brian Willett and Dustin Hall, two experts in the Higher Education space are joined by Special Guest, Jocelyn Paonita to have a conversation about "Scholarships"
- Meet Jocelyn Paonita, Founder, The Scholarship System
- Jocelyn's story of paying for college with six-figures worth of scholarships.
- Breaking the "myths" of scholarships.
- Are scholarships still worth the time? YES.. The right ones are worth the time.
- Ingredients for success... the right cover letter, the right material and the right story!
- Set the expectation - Scholarship Sunday.
- Identifying the "right" scholarships.
- Six Steps to Securing Scholarships.
- Difference between scholarships and cash awards and how they work.
- Jocelyn provides our listeners with a free resource tool for admissions officers.
Links Mentioned in the Show:
- The Scholarship System -
- Free Admissions Resource for Scholarships -
- Free Webinar for Parents -
Our Show Sponsors:
- The Admissions Advantage -
- 24 Hour Printers -