Nathalie B. sits down with James Lee, a natural beekeeper and licensed clinical social worker who founded the Sustainable Beekeepers Guild of Michigan, to discuss the cognitive bias and dissonance that can be found in all human interactions. Can we find a way to have tolerance for other beekeeping styles (and humanity) by empathizing with our fellow beekeepers instead of assuming they are wrong because their goals and fears do not line up with our own? This episode strives to spark an intelligent discussion on how we can all learn from each other, how we can find common ground even whether we prefer to treat or not treat our bees, and how natural, sustainable beekeeping can be discussed positively without beekeepers entrenching themselves in opposite extremes. Plus, as always, a few practical tips on how to be successful with treatment-free beekeeping in your own apiary! Tune in now for a fascinating journey through human psychology and how it relates to Natural Beekeeping.