Much like those who came before and those who would follow, Edmund I’s (939-46) reign was largely dominated by the Viking threat. Though his early years were tense and characterised by Viking resurgence, he recovered the land won by his father and half-brother and ultimately succeeded in keeping the Viking threat at bay and thus continued the dream of his forebears, the dream of a united, peaceful England.
Edmund I - King of England (939-46)
Eadgifu - third wife of Edward, mother of Edmund and Eadred
Aelfgith - first wife of Edmund, mother of Eadwig and Edgar
Aethelflaed of Damerham - second of wife of Edmund
Edward the Elder - King of the Anglo-Saxons (899-924), father of Edmund
Aethelstan - King of the Anglo-Saxons (924-37), King of England (927-939), half-brother of Edmund
Eadred - brother of Edmund
Eadburh - sister of Edmund
Alfred - King of the West-Saxons (871-886), King of the Anglo-Saxons (886-899), grandfather of Edmund
Aelfweard - half-brother of Edmund and Aethelstan and claimant
Edwin - half-brother of Edmund and Aethelstan and claimant
Dunstan - Abbot of Glastonbury
Aethelstan Half-king - Alderman of East-Anglia
Charles the Simple - King of West Francia (898-922), father of Louis
Louis IV - King of West Francia (936-54), nephew of Edmund
Wulstan - Archbishop of York
Oda - Archbishop of Canterbury
Olaf Guthfrithson - King of Dublin (934-39), King of Northumbria (939-41)
Olaf Sihtricson - King of Dublin (945-47), King of Northumbria (941-44)
Hywel Dda - King of Deheubarth
Idwal foel - King of Gwynedd
Constantine II - King of Alba (900-43)
Malcolm I - King of Alba (943-54)
Owain - King of Strathclyde
Dyfnwal/Dunmail - King of Strathclyde/Cumbria, son of Owain
Hugh the Great - Duke of the Franks
Otto I - King of East Francia
Leofa - outlaw and killer of Edmund
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Music: The Wizard by Alexander Nakarada (
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