More and more, 'medical science' tells us we need more and more vaccines to stay healthy and safe. Is this true?
Over the last few years, especially since 2020 when novel mRNA technology was rolled out, millions of people have suffered the drastic health consequences of inadequately tested immunology. The harm has been reported through many government agencies and citizens' databases.
Apparently in the USA, children now have a schedule of 70 vaccines.
When any foreign or toxic substance is put into a human body, it has to deal with said foreign substances if it views these substances as a threat.
Is it really true that we need vaccines, or can the body heal without them?
This is the question I pose in this episode. It's up to you to decide.
Your body, your choice.
Medical Disclaimer
None of the information in this video, on any of my websites or in any of my educational programs are to be taken as medical advice. I do not cure, treat or heal any illness - but I can show you how to take steps to prevent illness and reverse symptoms with as little need for external interventions such as medication, supplements or surgery. Please seek appropriate medical attention should you require it from a health professional of your choice.
Selfcare - a revolution in healthcare.