he body is about 72% water and water are vitally important for every important bodily function. The bottom line is that without water, your body doesn't work, and the quality of the water you consume can have a dramatic impact on your health.
A Crucial Element to Good Health
The human body has tremendous healing abilities and water is a major component. With proper nourishment and hydration, the body instinctively strives to be young and healthy, working to repair and rebuild bone, regenerate and replace tissue, and attack hostile organisms. In each of these miraculous processes, there is one common factor – water.
Did you know that illnesses start because the bodies cells are dehydrated?
It is important to filter your water from the harmful chemicals. After many filters and alot of research, we have picked the Aqua Tru Filter as our pure water source for our home. Here is our link below to learn more and purchase one for you. We also use a shower filter, called berkeley that you can fine on amazon.
If you are thirsty, that means you are already dehydrated. Our cells start going into disease state when they aren’t hydrated.
If you drink soda, sugary or energy drinks, coffee, alcohol, etc. you need to overcompensate for that with more water because they are diuretics and naturally dehydrating. They flush more water out than in. With so many Americans chronically dehydrated we believe most of us can benefit from drinking more water. Will it solve all your problems? Probably not, but we do believe it will help you.
Did you know, According to The National Hydration Council of the UK, “Dehydration, even if only mild, can cause tiredness, headaches, lack of concentration, reduced mental performance, and dry skin.”
Can you see now just how essential water is for every cell of our body?
These chemicals, known as PFCs (perfluorochemicals), have been linked to cancer, thyroid disease, and weakened immune systems. Even small concentrations in drinking water are considered a threat to public health, according to the report by the nonprofit Environmental Working Group and Northeastern University.
“It’s remarkable that the richest country on Earth can’t guarantee its citizens that their drinking water is completely safe and has no long-term health implications,” said Bill Walker, managing editor of the EWG in a press release.
It makes us get all passionate about sharing more about our water supply that is full of nasty compounds that are slowly destroying our health, whether we realize it or not. We need to know this and take action for our health and our families.
Without the proper filtration system in place, you are at risk of being exposed to a large supply of chemical toxins, including pesticides, pharmaceutical medications, and even animal feces.
Just hearing this scares us enough to run out and buy a water filter, however not all filters are created equal. Most do get rid of a lot of the chemicals, especially the toxic fluoride that’s in our water at high levels. We have researched pretty much all the water filters we can find online.
Our favorite is the Aqua Tru Water Filter. This filter gets rid of fluoride can change diet soda into water. Diet Coke is a combination of water, artificial color, artificial sweeteners, and caffeine. In this amazing demonstration on the AquaTru website in our link below, AquTru removes that all and turns Diet Coke into purified water in just minutes.
Which is also amazing is how much money you can save not only on bottle waters but on your health by getting water without yucky toxins.
You can learn more about the water filter at our link below and in the notes.
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