Our podcast has dropped to celebrate #IWD2023! Featuring some of the industry's best and brightest, we speak with them about how they are supporting more women into trades.
With guest host Master Builders CEO Denita Wawn, hear industry insights from our three panellists:
- Grace Ferreira, Director of Master Builders Australia & Co-founder of Canberra-based Pacific Formwork and Precast Projects.
Michael Foreman, Manager, Engineering - Fleurieu Connections Alliance & Port Wakefield to Port Augusta Alliance in South Australia.Bek Bishop, Co-Founder of Elite Building Services (Vic) Pty Ltd, a custom home builder in South-East Victoria & Gippsland.Our guests share their passion and stories around increasing female participation in our industry, sharing their knowledge through mentorship, and building programs that bring women and men together to support females in the industry.