I am going to let Nicole speak for herself in this beautiful write-up she did for her release on the Matchbook Coffee Project website:
"This release has allowed me the time to look at the small things: how I put my art together, what things I would love to receive in a box were I to get one, but also what cup of coffee is my absolute favorite to share and commiserate over.
I’ve selected the El Salvador Muchas Aguas. I wanted to select something that really captured what I get excited about in my everyday drinker. The cup has balanced acidity, great body, and sweetness. Something that reminds me of eating pie, or compote on french toast, or nougaty candies with bits of fruit. Matchbook hasn’t featured an El Salvador, so I knew it was the coffee.
My final reflection: Coffee changed my life in ways I never expected. Coffee captivates, and I think when we really get into coffee, it just can’t be helped.
This release is my love letter to roasts past and roasts still to come.
My love letter to coffee."