Full Moon in Pisces Recording for you. Meditation starts at 8min. xx
Hi friends, I wanted to take a few moments and speak to the Full Moon coming through this Saturday in Pisces @ 5:56AM EST.
First of all, a Full Moon is a time of release. When we start working with the moon cycles, we see that this is more of a practice in following the light, more than anything else. At the time of a Full Moon, the light begins to wane and we are being offered a beautiful opportunity of clear sight, more so than almost any other time of the month. The Full Moon represents a time of fruition, of “coming to a head” - what we seeded with our New Moon intentions is being witnessed and/or released. We are no longer in the “build phase”, but in one of bold illumination. This can be a time of noticing tensions - in relationships primarily, which doesn’t always mean with another. The gift of a Full Moon helps us see ourselves and our world with more clarity. We can release what’s no longer for us…and sit with what’s calling.
Key Words - illumination, revelation, relationship, attraction, aversion, magnetism, clear sight, letting go, release.
This particular Full Moon has a focus on the internal space, potentially in the unseen or unconscious places within. It’s driven by the element of water, so noticing how you feel this week and over the weekend will be helpful information — without judgement. Our feelings (in the body) are clues. Ask yourself when noticing, “what else could this be?”
For instance…my left eye has been twitching for days now. Today, I have noticed it a bit…but it seems to be waning (thankfully). I have been tuning into it, asking “what more could you be?” - taking flower essences to support, as well as utilizing Psych K…alongside breath + astrology transits. This morning I had the understanding that my sight is being asked to shift, concerning abundance and expectations for growth and freedom potential. For me, this Full Moon is landing in my 8th house. We (as a family) have been in the middle of re-organizing financial commitments, etc…to open portals for deeper spaces of freedom, and it’s showing up for me physically, as an eye twitch. (Side note…the left side of our bodies represent the mother energy - the feminine energy…so I am still sitting with that piece.) I heard this morning, “It’s time to release what you thought was possible, and step into what IS happening! Allow for it to be bolder, stronger, more magical than you can imagine. The dreams you began to vision back in 2018, are closer (literally) than you think!” I feel a deep nudge that today, my hands need to be in the Earth to support the messages coming through. All I need to do, listen. My eye twitch feels very connected to releasing “old sight” and old ways of believing in myself and the entanglements that come with this. Your dreams are on purpose friends!
This moon is also asking us to pay attention to our health and well-being practices. Are you organized in this space in your life? Are you committed to reclaiming your personal health journey? Your old habits are asking for a release in order to allow for what’s better for you. It feels like there’s a ton of information waiting to come through to you, if you will just let go of what’s not working. It’s like cleaning out your closets, to make space. (Which is actually a beautiful practice for this week - one I will actually be doing today - the unseen areas need to a refresh in order to receive clear sight.) You are being supported by the energy of radical transformation and your truth (aka, your values - remember to walk yourself through the Value Wheel Practice in Ritual Space for guidance here.)
So, what’s ready to release? What will you choose to let go of in order to create more space in your life? This will feel like taking a deep breath into freedom and love.
Listen above for a Full Moon in Pisces meditation. You can enjoy for the next several days. The Full Moon energy comes in early and like to linger, so pay attention friends!
xx, Katie
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