Do you constantly find yourself compromising your values, dreams, and goals just to stop people from walking out of your life? If you're like me, you've also struggled with acceptance and the fear of rejection. On my journey to breaking the mold, there are 3 things I have learned that have helped me overcome feelings of rejection. I want to share these things with you to help you shift your mindset and become that confident woman you've always dreamed of being. We're going to talk about:
1. Not Trying To Fit In Where You Don't Belong
2. Quality over Quantity
3. Never Try To Be Someone You're Not
During my third point, I mention a blog post that I wrote about breaking the mold. I highly recommend checking out, "5 Signs That You Are A Mold Breaker."
Thank you for tuning in to the Mold Breaker Mindset Podcast. If this episode hit home for you, please follow me for more great content, and share it with someone you want to empower. I don’t have a huge team behind this podcast to make it grow, and I rely heavily on awesome listeners like you to share my message with the world. Thanks again, and I’ll see you next week with a new episode!