"No matter how good you get, you can always get better - that's the exciting part"
It might sound like a contradiciton
But the best/worst part of personal growth, learning and development
Is the fact that there's no 'End'
You never reach a point where you've learned everything, know it all, and have no potential to be better
And while that can be inspiring and motivating
At some times it can also get overwhelming, and make you feel like there's no point in carrying on climbing a mountain that has no peak
That's normal, and part of the process
In this episode we cover how that plays out in trying to achieve your goals, and what you can do about it
How unrealistic expectations kill your dreams
Why you're not as "bad" or "behind" as you think, even compared to some of the all time greats
What you can do to use every situation in life to make you even better than you were before (no matter how bad it gets)
I hope it helps, and feel free to share with anyone you think would get value from hearing this
Until next time, all the best