Title: Stop Dimming your Ambition and Start Owning it with Naketa Thigpen
In today’s episode of the One to Millions Entrepreneur podcast, I invited Naketa Thigpen to talk about balance, boundaries, and exceptionality. She is a balance and relationship expert, a transformational empowerment speaker, and an author. She is the CEO of ThigPro Balance and Relationship Management Institute. Her company works with power couples who want to have that same success they have in their businesses apply to their home life.
People who are successful in their businesses also have their challenges. Almost always, they feel out of alignment in their relationships. Sometimes this might happen without even noticing it. Naketa says that the best way to recognize this is to pause for a few minutes and have a deep sensory experience. Feel where your pains are, where they are coming from, and what they represent.
Naketa defined balance as accepting the truth of what you want over the boundaries that you create so you can achieve it. We can do lots of things. But it is important to be clear with what we really want to do versus what we need to do because of an expectation. We also have the responsibility to make something right. Sometimes we do this in an unkind way. But that is not being selfish. We just have to give ourselves the opportunity to heal, to forgive, and let go of the things that no longer make us happy.
I love how Naketa mentioned that being exceptional starts with being balanced. It also means that you must be brave enough to keep distractions out. The choices between what you need to do and what you want to do should be clear even if it is a difficult decision to make.
The relationship challenges that power couples faceAchieving balance over the boundaries that you createBeing exceptional and unapologetic about itAbout Naketa’s latest book, Selfish: Permission to Pause, Live, Love and Laugh Your Way to JoyWhat makes someone exceptional at their gameEverybody has to learn about boundaries“Normal isn't necessary unless you choose to be normal. If you are exceptional at what you do, that's the playground that you choose to play in. You don't have to go to any other playground if you don't want to.” - Naketa Thigpen“You don't have to make other people feel better because they are intimidated by your pursuit of excellence.” - Naketa Thigpen“Be scared and be right. They both can happen.” - Naketa Thigpen“Being an investor in your own self-development and personal growth is hugely important for you to be exceptional.” - Naketa ThigpenResources and links mentioned...
Selfish: Permission to Pause, Live, Love and Laugh Your Way to Joy by Naketa Ren ThigpenMBTI online: Official Myers Briggs Test & Personality AssessmentFeel the Fear . . . and Do It Anyway by Susan JeffersInterview ConnectionsWebsite: https://thigpro.com/
Balance Boldly for Ambitious Women in Business Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/balance-boldly-for-ambitious-women-in-business/id1182646533
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