Pnina first fell in love with Israel when she came to spend a year in the country after finishing high school, on her gap year. She spent the year living in the old city while studying. It was crazy to believe that the very stones that housed her, held thousands of years of memories. In short, she fell in love with the history, the people and the hope that Israel has always brought and continues to bring.
Pnina returned to my home in Melbourne, Australia and began to feel a void that grew bigger as time went on. She diagnosed myself with FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out), from the action and history that is created every single day in Israel. Israel had become a huge part of her heart and it wasn't before long, she planned to make Aliyah. When the day of her Aliyah arrived, she left her family in tears as the infamous 'swallowing doors' by passport control took me away to my future. She felt like a shtetl jew going to the 'Goldener Medina', not knowing when or how she would see her family again (Australia was simply too far and expensive to fathom).
Pnina arrived in Israel and began life in the Merkaz Klita Ulpan in Jerusalem and made friends for life. A year in, she found her dream job, and met her husband. 2 years in, her sister and BFF, made Aliyah. 3 years in, her parents and my other sister followed them and made Aliyah too. A year after that, she and her sister were married 2 months of each other. Fast forward almost 9 years later, she and her husband are privileged to watch their 2 little kids grow up in this magical country.
Dror for the Wounded Foundation:
The Dror for the Wounded Foundation helps wounded Israeli soldiers and provides these brave individuals with financial assistance for medical and psychological treatments, education and training, small construction projects, advocacy, and general financial aid. In allocating resources, we consider each soldier’s individual situation and need. Our aim is to make sure our soldiers get back on their feet and we do everything in our power to make sure that happens.
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Artwork: Leon Weinreb