Barely out of the 1980s, I was 22 years old, recently graduated from college, living at home with my parents in Bridgewater, NJ, and making vastly complex, vague, and delusional plans for some kind of entertainment system project called “Noyage”. I made a series of tapes called “On Noyage” describing these ideas, in a deraged fever dream fashion. Amazingly, over the years, this bizarre, delusional project eventually morphed into something real and worthwhile – Onsug Radio.
Notes: 10:45 AM, Friday, February 23, 1990, Bridgewater, NJ, in the car, hello to myself in the future, heading to a mall in Phillipsburg, NJ, slow drivers, Noyage, Nomadi, Noyage Earth, The Hollow Fantasia, The Zope of Halfevil, should it be a game?, Interweb, Rt. 22 West, 32 miles to Phillipsburg, quadrants and maps, places I used to work, looking for coffee, Lafayette College, business plans, Bagelsmith, coffee, (Tastykake) Chocolate Junior, parking spaces, new shopping centers, Tetris, the inside network is going to be the wave of the future, computerized networks, arrival at Phillipsburg Mall, freelance, “Sgt. Pepper Knew My Father”, 2:02 PM, Lego Pirates, Skyfox for Mac, encyclopedia salesman, Road Fighter, driving back, more business ideas, Some Berry Basalt of Brine, “mental clip art”, Red Alley Earth, artwork, wax sculpture, video effects, Throatripper, Super Objects, band naming service, NomadiNews Catalog, Nomadi Ubiquity, desktop publishing, coffee at 7-11, skidded, printing business idea, library, Beatles tapes, The Macintosh Bible, books within books within books, sever ties, plans.