What do you think about this statement: "you can have a smart kid or a sane parent, but definitely not both" ?
This episode is about how this simple sentence triggered me to the core and led to this renewed look at how I overcame my stuckness in the early phase of my parenting journey. I share three basic tools that helped me keep my sanity in check, and hope that they can help you too!
As a new mom and homeschooler, I've been through quite an interesting internal journey. Figuring out different parenting techniques, understanding my children's temperament, and figuring out this homeschooling gig for two kids with different learning styles has not been easy. But it started to make more sense as I learned how to find myself and become my own best friend first!
What phase of parenting are you in right now? Are you a new parent, trying to figure it out? Or a seasoned parent but feeling stuck for some reason?
Please know that no matter what, you are not alone. I would love to lend an ear if you ever need someone to talk to. I promise not to judge or impose my beliefs on you. Feel free to email me [email protected]. You can also visit my website www.nikkihashemi.com to learn more about me and how I can help you.
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