Parshas Vayigash: BRING THEM HOME
The Parsha Perspective is in honor of Eretz Yisroel.
May G-d protect our brave soldiers.
May G-d return all the hostages in Gaza immediately.
The Parsha Perspective is in loving memory of my grandmothers, Gittel Bas Asher and Shoshanna Bas Sholom, and my aunt, Chana Bas Yehuda and along with Edward Ben Efraim, Shlomo Ben Edward, and Yirachmiel Daniel Ben Gedalia. May their souls be uplifted and their memories a blessing.
The Parsha Perspective is in honor of the Refuah Shlema of Pesha Henna Bas Yitta Gittel and Mordechai Ben Rachel Rashel. May they experience a swift and complete recovery with G-d's help.
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Our Parsha begins with Yehuda stepping forward to plead with Yosef for Benyamin’s release. In an impassioned appeal, Yehuda offers himself as a slave in Benyamin’s place, explaining that if they returned home without him, their father, Ya’akov, would succumb to the heartbreak of losing another son.
Overcome with emotion, Yosef could no longer contain his secret. He ordered everyone but his brothers to leave the room, and through his tears, he revealed his true identity, declaring, "I am Yosef your brother."
We learn depth of Ya'akov and Yosef's connection and how it kept Yosef through their many years of separation.