About Michele Defilippo
Self-publishing means the AUTHOR is the publisher, but you'd never know that from browsing the internet. Most authors believe a publisher is necessary, that they must sign away their rights, creative control, and revenues to offer their books to the public. This is not the case!
1106 Design's mission is to help authors publish books without sharing a penny of their net revenue* from sales with a publisher. We provide self-publishing peace with quality services, reliable publishing advice, and the convenience of project management at every stage. Since 2001, we have helped more than 4,000 authors Publish Like the Pros.
*Sample net revenue calculation:
Retail price of the book: $20.00
Less Amazon's 40% cut (aka the wholesale discount): $8
Less printing cost: $5
Net revenue to indie authors: $7
"Publishers" pay authors a much smaller sum. We've seen figures as low as $.90 per book AFTER the publisher charged the author for book prep. If you think we're a good fit, we'd like to tell your audience how to Publish Like the Pros instead.