Season One:
In an effort to uncover where corruption in American politics starts, The Probe goes deep inside an average high school student body presidential election. Listen as hosts Lisa Burton and Mary Beth Smith meet the candidates and their families, speculate on their motives for running, and unmask all the nasty aspects of running for office at any level.
Episode One:
In episode one, our hosts reveal why Franklin Delano Roosevelt High School was chosen as a subject, who appear to be the race’s frontrunners, and how the faculty and staff at FDRHS feel the election is going so far.
Lisa Burton: Lisa Burton
Mary Beth Smith: Mary Beth Smith
Thomas Buffington Jr.: Clayton Margeson
Staci Kramer: Shira Wilson
Cori Wilson: Lauren Walker
August Tooley-Anderson: Brian Holden
Principal Jonathan Benjamin Franklin: Eddie Piña
Vice Principal Curtis Hannigan: Ryan Ben
Faculty Liaison Eliza Schroeder: Meredith Stepien
Adam Anderson: Chris Rathjen
Artie Anderson: John Thibodeaux
Charlotte Buffington: Jessye Mueller
Thomas Buffington Sr: Tim Dunn
Glover Buffington: Matt Young
Meryl Kramer: Allison Ringhand
Whitney Lamont-Wilson: Carly Olson
Christopher Wilson: Luis Cortes
Produced by Matt Young, Lisa Burton, Mary Beth Smith and Hannah Parsons
Editor: Hannah Parsons
Original Music: Hannah Parsons
Other Music: Final Cut Pro, iLife, and iMovie Sound Effects
The Probe Logo: Maxwell Hudetz
Special Thanks to Cards Against Humanity for allowing us to record in their beautiful space.